4 tips to avoid dry skin in winter 4 tips to avoid dry skin in winter

4 tips to avoid dry skin in winter


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How to protect against winter dryness.

Winter is coming. No, this is not a reference to a famous HBO series, but a simple observation: the temperatures have dropped a few degrees already, and things are only going to get worse. With the cold will come the dryness of the skin - a direct consequence of its dehydration which is common in winter due to the lower production of sebum and therefore its lower lipid protection.

With winter approaching, it’s more essential than ever to hydrate your skin, of course, but also to hydrate yourself. It's the key to flawless skin even in the depths of winter.

Drink plenty of water

Let's start with the basics. The first step, to stay hydrated in all circumstances, is obviously to drink plenty of water. 1.5 litres per day is a minimum. By drinking enough water, you’ll avoid dehydration of your skin, but also water retention which leads to dark circles and bags under the eyes. Plus, you’ll reduce the risk of bad breath. To persist in not drinking enough is foolish, quite simply.

Replace your coffee with tea

Coffee, very often, is a good choice to keep you more alert and awake in the office. However, coffee tends to dehydrate. Its diuretic effect can lead to skin dehydration, exposing you to redness and dry skin.

To spend the winter with a hot drink in hand but with a lower risk of drying out your skin, start opting for tea. The effect of caffeine will be less felt, since it also contains antioxidants (which delay cell ageing) and amino acids which diffuse it more slowly in the body. Plus, tea is remarkably moisturising and essential.

Pay attention to the ingredients of your products

With fall and winter approaching, it's time to take care of the products you use on your skin. It's time to use products that are more richly moisturising to counter the seasonal dryness of your skin.

Some ingredients are preferred. This is the case of prickly pear oil, the cactus fruit that’s highly-prized for its moisturising properties. You can find it in the Horace facial moisturiser. Aloe vera and glycerin in the formula are also known for their moisturising properties. Rest assured: fall is probably the best time to trust a new hydrating cream.

The same goes for cleansers: not all face washes are created equal. Some have an annoying tendency to be too aggressive, and to attack your skin’s protective hydrolipidic film barrier, leaving your skin subject to the aggressions of the dry autumn cold. Clean skin shoudn’t always equate to stripped skin. Choose a cleanser that contains glycerin to ensure gentle cleansing and initial hydration.

Of course, don't even try to wash your face with hand soaps or anything that’s not meant for your face. It would lead you to your downfall.

Adjust your diet

Regular readers of Horace, you already know that your diet has a real impact on your skin. Dairy products, for example, which contain large amounts of vitamin A, improve the level of keratin in the skin. Particularly useful to fight against skin dryness. Likewise, getting your fix of omega-3s is helpful for combating dry skin problems. Oily fish, in particular, should be a core staple of your winter meal planning.

You’re now ready to fight against winter skin dryness. As DJ Khaled would say, stay hydrated.

Stay hydrated

Face Firming Gel
Mattifying Face Moisturiser
Rich Face Moisturiser