Adopt better habits Adopt better habits

Adopt better habits


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Looking flawless has never been easier.

Of course, having an impeccable appearance requires work, as you well know. But often, a few simple habits are all it takes to make you look your best. Some of these have already been covered by Horace, but you could always do with a reminder. Here's an overview.

Take care of your hands

There is one thing that's all too often forgotten: taking care of your hands. Even if you don't speak with your hands, it's essential to take good care of them. A handshake is generally the first contact you have with a potential colleague. It would be a shame if you actually scratched them with your long, unkempt nails.

Regularly trim your nails with nail clippers to prevent this type of situation from happening. Do this once a week, after a shower, when your nails are softer and easier to cut. Nails that are cut short get dirty less easily and do not snag. Besides, there are few things more unpleasant to look at than dirty nails: clean them, when needed.

The secret to soft hands is simple: apply a moisturising cream that not only scents the hands, but also moisturises deep down and prevents dryness.

Shampoo your hair less frequently

Some men have picked up the bad habit of washing their hair every day. While avoiding dirty hair at all costs, this habit can have its negative effects: when washing hair too frequently, you run the risk of having greasier, dirtier hair as soon as you skip a shampoo. In fact, washing too often dries out the scalp by removing the sebum naturally found on the hair, which is essential for a healthy scalp. This also causes your scalp to produce excess sebum.

Follow a regular shampoo routine, without washing your hair daily: three times a week is more than enough to keep your hair looking impeccable.

Don’t forget face masks

We've already discussed the multiple advantages of a mask. However, it is worth pointing out that this product can solve most of the skin problems you may encounter. A moisturising mask, for example, can be useful for treating dry skin, while a cleansing mask can deep-cleanse the skin and unclog pores. It's magical.

In keeping with the seasons

You wouldn't dream of going out in a t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops in the middle of February. So why go out in the middle of winter without deeply moisturising your skin? When winter is in full swing, it's essential to use a richer moisturising cream and apply it more often than usual. This will help you combat skin dryness often linked to the winter months. And, if your skin feels really dry, you can also use a night cream.

Moreover, don't forget your lip balm: lips don't like the cold and require protection.

Develop a good relationship with your hairdresser

Men often tend to let long periods of time go by between two haircuts. We've all done it, and it's no big deal. However, a regular haircut is the best way to keep your hair looking flawless at all times. Don't hesitate, for example, to schedule an appointment for the following month each time you go to the hairdresser. That way, you'll have no excuse to avoid your next cut. We asked Jules Fauvey, our hair expert, how often you should go to the hairdresser. He told us for each haircut.

Invest in travel-sized products

All too often, otherwise respectable men in the privacy of their own home let themselves go on the pretext that they're traveling.

Rather than lugging around their regular toiletries, they make do with complementary hotel products or purchase something from a supermarket near their Airbnb, putting their good skincare habits on hold. Avoid this at all costs! On the contrary, invest in travel-sized products that easily fit into your toiletry bag, allowing you to remain impeccable wherever you are.

Travel-sized products are also practical for sports: they easily fit into a bag and don't take up much space, so you can leave them there to use when needed. You will never forget your soap again.

Simple, isn't it? We hope that these recommendations have inspired you, because they are definitely the key to a more elegant life.

Products for better grooming habits

Purifying Face Mask
Rich Face Moisturiser
Hand Moisturising Balm