How to apply a face mask properly How to apply a face mask properly

How to apply a face mask properly

Guides & Advice

Photos Rachelle Simoneau

Words Matthieu Morge-Zucconi

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While protective masks have unexpectedly taken up a large part of our day-to-day lives, there's another type of mask you shouldn't neglect: purifying face masks. Read on to learn how to use and apply them properly.

A man's grooming routine is usually broken down into three steps: cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing. However, a fourth step could take your routine to the next level: applying a mask. Masks are purifying and cleansing and will ensure your skin stays clear and healthy.

Why you should add masks to your routine

Masks allow active ingredients to penetrate the skin deeper. There are several types of masks: some cleanse and purify, others will exfoliate, and some help moisturise very dry skin. They are mainly used for skin that requires deeper care. A cleansing mask, for example, enables you to deeply cleanse your skin and purify it. Even when regularly cleansed, moisturised, and exfoliated, the skin on your face needs deep cleansing to be perfectly smooth and clear. A mask will remove impurities and unclog your pores.

For example, our clay mask is made with kaolin, which will deeply purify the skin, leaving it clearer and more radiant. Masks can be a one-off treatment: if you have very dry or very oily skin, a mask should help regulate sebum production and allow your skin to return to a more balanced state. Used once a week, masks will complement your usual routine for better skin. Whether they're cleansing, exfoliating or moisturizing, masks are an extra step enabling you to deeply treat your skin concerns.

How to properly apply a mask

Masks are extremely easy to apply. Start by cleansing your face, then apply the mask directly to your skin. Make sure the layer is thick enough and leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes. All you've got left to determine is what you'll do while you're waiting for the mask to dry. Self-care should always be a relaxing moment, and as such, you should avoid answering work emails or phone calls. Instead, take this time to check up on your favourite football team's latest score, or play a halftime of FIFA. Once dry, rinse the mask off thoroughly with warm water. Easy peasy!

Mattifying Face Moisturiser
Purifying Face Cleanser
Purifying Face Mask