From the uses to the benefits, CBD is endlessly surprising. Let’s take a closer look at a substance that, despite its popularity, still carries quite a stigma.
This Monday, April 20th, is International Cannabis Day. A curious celebration, perhaps, considering that in many countries cannabis is still illegal. That being said, one substance also derived from the hemp plant has managed to find a welcoming home in France and elsewhere: CBD, or Cannabidiol. From the uses to the benefits, CBD is endlessly surprising. Let’s take a closer look at a substance that, despite its popularity, still carries quite a stigma.
The rallies calling for the legalisation of cannabis won’t take place this year because of the Covid-19 lockdown, you can always show their support with a little personal legal consumption; not of cannabis itself, but of CBD.
What exactly is CBD?
For the non-initiated, the differences between the two might not be immediately apparent. To put it simply, CBD is one of the many molecules contained in plants from the cannabis family, as is Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. But these two molecules have very different effects. While THC is responsible for the psychotropic effects of the plant, CBD is known for its therapeutic powers. The high THC concentration of cannabis explains its illegality in many countries, contrary to other varieties of the same species, such as hemp. Daily use of CBD is legal under the condition that the hemp variety used contains no more than 0.2% THC, and 0% in the final product.
But without THC, what’s the point?
Besides the heady, psychotropic effects of cannabis, what attracts many people is its relaxing, stress-reducing effect. But hemp is a herbal plant like any other. However, even without THC, cannabidiol is a powerful remedy against many ailments, favoured for its therapeutic qualities. From muscle relaxation to stress relief, anti-inflammatory effects to immunity boosts, CBD has a lot to offer, which explains why so many brands are incorporating it in more and more of their formulations. Cannabinoid receptors in our body prove its usefulness, and its effectiveness of our organism.
But more than an anti-stress aide, CBD directly affects the balance of our bodies, or what medical jargon refers to as the “homeostasis”. Appetite, memory, mood, pain levels, cannabidiol helps us achieve a sense of balance and feel better in our bodies, while THC on the other hand causes less inviting side effects such as a feeling of drunkenness, fatigue, and nerves.
CBD: miracle ingredient for cosmetics?
Only doctors have the power to prescribe cannabidiol for medicinal purposes. But that hasn’t stopped cosmetics brands from embracing the phenomenon and creating beauty and skincare products promising the benefits of CBD. First in line was The Body Shop, which launched a hemp range in 1992, sold today without hesitation with an illustration of a cannabis leaf on the packaging. We could question the effectiveness of CBD in beauty products; is the concentration strong enough? What are the effects of CBD on skin? How should CBD be used in beauty?
As we said, cannabidiol is an excellence muscle relaxant. Its relaxing properties help you feel better in both your body and your head. But that’s not all: hemp oil is also rich in essential fatty acids (Omega 3 and 6) and vitamin E, which also makes it a very powerful antioxidant. Another component of hemp oil, linoleic acid, is also an effective hydrophobic ingredient which when applied to skin, retains water, keeping it hydrated for longer.
With its antioxidant properties, CBD is also an excellent ally against acne. The oil has a formulation that is very close to that of sebum, and therefore helps nourish skin, calm the sebaceous glands, and keep pores from clogging. Unlike classic acne treatments that can dry the skin, hemp oil softens and pampers it.
The new superfood
CBD can be smoked, applied to the skin in shower gels or massage oil...and it can also be consumed orally. In the United States, Californians have gone wild for Avocado Toast with Cannabis. But even if residents of the Hollywood Hills can show and share their love openly, in France and many other countries, we’re far from being able to enjoy a kiwi, kale and cannabis flower smoothie every weekend. That being said, the benefits of CBD on our metabolism are very real.
Packed with Omegas 3 and 6, hemp oil is also excellent as a raw seasoning. Aficionados believe it helps provide a sense of well-being and helps us feel full. Some fitness fanatics swear by a few drops of hemp oil under the tongue before and after a workout. It can help us stay aware of our bodies during exercise, and help us relax the muscles and avoid aches after effort.
Outside of the gym, many brands have developed CBD capsules to help reduce anxiety and restore both psycho- and physiological balance. These products are available without prescription and should not be used in place of medicines because, despite recent studies, the therapeutic use of CBD in France and elsewhere remains taboo and a source of some scepticism. But one thing’s for sure: despite the hesitation and the scepticism, CBD is here, and it’s here to stay.