4 winning phrases to make them understand you’d love gifts from Horace 4 winning phrases to make them understand you’d love gifts from Horace

4 winning phrases to make them understand you’d love gifts from Horace

Guides & Advice

Photos D.R.

Words Marie-Caroline Bougère

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You have a feeling that your significant other (whoever that might be) has started the hunt for your Holiday gifts, and that they’ve got plenty of ideas. That’s great, but all you *really* want this Christmas is something from Horace. We’re here to help! Discover some well-intentioned phrases to sneak by them, to subtly get your message across.

“ Did you see that Horace has released their new Holiday Gift Sets? They look great! ”

Looking for the perfect moment? On evenings after dinner, when both of you are doing your own thing (like scrolling through social media), finding out which of your friend’s had the best weekend. If the message was received, your significant other will go on horace.co to discover our limited-edition Holiday Gift Sets, which will make you smile cheek to cheek after seeing under your tree. A skincare set, perfume set, or beard set, there’s anything your heart desires.

“ Oh no, I’ve run out of perfume. I’d love to try the &Horace. ”

Looking for the perfect moment? In the morning, when you’re both getting ready for the day. Here, let them know that you’re a fan of our &Horace Eau De Parfum and its wonderful fragrance. Don’t forget to mention the fact that it melts into the skin, making it unique on everyone. Maybe even mention its woody, fresh, and elegant notes? It’s just like you, you say!  

“ Did you know that Horace is natural and free of nasties? ”

Looking for the perfect moment? In light of a news story report on clean skincare, your darling points out the difficulties of finding the most ethical gift possible. You have been paying attention to your consumption for some time now and want to support natural products that take care of you, and the planet. You’ve found the perfect match. At Horace, all of our products have at least 94% natural ingredients. Additionally, 1% of our sales are donated to environmental organizations like Surfrider Foundation. Presents from Horace are an opportunity to give a responsible and ethical gift.  

“ Gifts from Horace can be bought until the last minute! ”

Looking for the perfect moment? When you hear them complaining on the phone, worried that their gifts won’t arrive on time. Wait a few minutes, then go. You can order online at Horace.com with Xmas delivery guaranteed until 12pm on Monday 18 December. If you’re running late, we also offer Parcel Force Express delivery until 12pm on Wednesday 20 December, at a small extra cost.  

If you feel like your partner is in a rush, you’re giving them a very valuable piece of advice. Anything is possible up to the last moment. And if your significant other really is in a difficult spot, they can always opt for a digital gift card, which means you’ll get to pick and choose products you really, really want.  

Our gift sets for Holidays