Caffeine is much more than a stimulant.
Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world. We consume 120,000 tonnes of it per year, which is the approximate weight of 17,000 African elephants. Yet its stimulating effect is only one of its many benefits, making it the perfect ingredient to improve long-haul travels. Read on to learn more about a molecule that is a much better travel companion than you might have thought.
Flying is tiring. Between jet lag and the flight itself, it's hard to make it to your destination looking as fresh and rested as you'd like. Not only must your body get used to the local time, but it also has to rehydrate after spending 8 hours in the closed confines of a plane. Coffee, tea, or a guarana- or kola nut-based drink have always helped you either stay awake for a few more hours when travelling west or wake up more easily when travelling east. All these beverages contain caffeine, which is world-renowned for its stimulating properties, and which has been used for these reasons since the Stone Age.
Flight-related tiredness is often visible on your face and especially around your eyes. Dark circles and under-eye bags are an unfortunate side effect of repeated travels and not only the symptoms of a very active social life. They are the result of poor blood circulation. Caffeine is vasodilating, i.e., it allows better blood flow. Of course, we wouldn’t recommend putting used coffee capsules on your eyes. The only place they belong is in a recycling bin. Instead, consider a caffeine-based under-eye serum. If this feels strange, think of Bassets, the breed of naturally sad-looking dogs. Is this really what you want to look like while trying to make the most of New York/Tokyo/L.A./Hong Kong?
Finally, caffeine facilitates the release of glycerol and fatty acids into the bloodstream to be used as a source of energy. So, you'll be in better shape for your activities from the moment you land.
You now know what you need to do to get off to a good start as soon as the plane hits the landing strip.