Comfortable in your skin Comfortable in your skin

Comfortable in your skin

Guides & Advice

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Because having a sensitive skin should not be an issue, we show you how to care of it

Sensitive skin causes stinging, tightness, burning, or even redness, making life extremely unpleasant. If you’ve already considered wearing a t-shirt to avoid sun exposure while swimming, this guide is for you.

Where does sensitive skin come from?

A good understanding of what causes sensitive skin is necessary in order to efficiently treat it.

Sensitive skin is a skin type that is acutely subject to environmental conditions. For example, the skin tightness you might have experienced if you’ve ever been high-altitude skiing is an expression of skin rendered sensitive due to climatic factors. Another example is the terrible effect of sunburns on fair skins, which is also good reminder of the consequences of sun overexposure. Wind and temperature variations are also factors to be taken into account. Good to know if you’re an avid sailor, or if you spend your life travelling across a range of latitudes.

It is also well known that stress exacerbates skin sensitivity. Anxiety-ridden people often suffer from eczema and other skin inflammations. Hence the importance of regularly going on holiday. Medication, in particular long-term treatments, may also have a negative effect on the skin, and increase its sensitivity.

Ingredients you should avoid

Some of the ingredients contained in grooming or cosmetic products can induce skin reactions or even allergies.

Avoid strongly scented products, as the perfumes used can be allergenic.

Stay away from products with high alcohol content too, as it has a tendency to dry the epidermis. Men with sensitive skins should always prefer alcohol in their drinks rather than on their faces.

Sensitive skin can react to very specific ingredients. It is therefore very important to pay attention to the content of the products you’re using, and making sure to never reuse a product which has caused a skin reaction.

Taking care of sensitive facial skin

Even if you consider yourself a tough guy, your sensitive skin needs softness, and it is essential to use gentle products.

First step: cleanse your face with mild products

Using a soothing and moisturising cleanser is an important first step towards helping your skin become more resistant to external pollutants. Glycerin and allantoin-enriched products are particularly efficient when it comes to soothing and protecting skin.

Second step: moisturise your skin with a protective cream

Resorting to protective, moisturising cream is critical to shield sensitive skin against external aggressions. If you can, prefer a repairing and soothing cream. It will further desensitise your skin, and make it less prone to reactions.

Third step: remove dead surface skin cells with an exfoliating sponge

Should you already exfoliate your skin, make sure the product you use isn’t too hard on your skin. A gentle exfoliating cleanser is better, the ideal option being a Konjac sponge, which is soft and suitable for sensitive skin. It will unclog your pores, thereby helping your skin to regenerate, and improving your skin tone.

Taking care of sensitive body skin

It is entirely possible for your body’s skin to be as sensitive as your face’s. It is therefore equally as important that you take proper care of it.

First step: use a gentle soap

Sensitive skins should opt for gentle soaps, full of moisturising agents, as their formulas tend to be less aggressive for the skin. Our shower gels have a gentle formula and are adapted to sensitive skin.

Second step: always choose alcohol- and aluminium-free deodorants

Alcohol or aluminium-based deodorants often irritate sensitive skins, on top of leaving unsightly yellow stains on your white shirts.

You now have no more excuses to let your sensitive skin prevent you from living your life to the fullest. Redness, itchiness, irritations, and tightness will be nothing more than bad memories.