3 Expert Tips to Achieve Adam Driver's Hair Style
Photos Getty
Words Marie-Caroline Bougère
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He's been touted as having one of the most beautiful hairstyles in cinema by the American tabloids. That's saying something. Adam Driver, starring in Megalopolis, sports shorter hair now but is better known for his mid-length locks, somewhere between straight and wavy, that really turns heads. Here's a tutorial on how to replicate it, with advice from a professional.
Adam Driver has embarked on what could be called a hair journey. Since his arrival on our screens and his departure from the US Marine Corps, he has let his hair grow with his roles. For the series Girls, he had a fringe across his forehead and shorter sides. He then quickly let the length settle in and finally found his signature cut. That is shoulder-length, square, wavy, with hair swept back, and with a slight gradient around the ears that brings texture. With the trend towards natural hair and waves, why not try something new?
1. Get wavy hair for a romantic and sexy look
A mid-length wavy square hairstyle is best achieved with a straightener if you have fine, straight hair. "One twist is enough," advises Cyril Fricaud, a hairstylist for 34 years for many TV personalities. "Avoid curling the tip for more fluidity," he adds. Then you can apply our Texturizing Hair Styling Spray to add texture. If your hair is naturally wavy, it's best to leave the comb or brush aside: they might add too much volume. It’s better to use your fingers for a more subtle result. You can use Horace Cream Pomade for moderate hold and a natural effect. For curly hair, you first need to straighten it with a hairdryer, then spray them with an anti-frizz spray to maintain a soft wave.
2. Get hair that "shines bright like a diamond"
Beyond the hairstyle, it's also the shine of Adam Driver's hair that makes it so great. To achieve this, Cyril Fricaud advises using our Texturizing Hair Styling Spray, and above all not forgetting to do treatments. Be gentle with your hair, because it’s worth it, so try to avoid mistreating it. Say no to hot hairdryers and vigorous towel drying. To hydrate and nourish your hair, our range of shampoos and conditioners are ideal.
3. Get hair that looks great long
Finally, not everyone can easily achieve Adam’s length. "Hair, any hair, grows 1.5 cm per month," Cyril Fricaud reminds us, "and if it doesn't grow, it's because it’s wearing out." To strengthen hair, we recommend using our Hair Growth Supplements that promote natural regrowth and the good health of the hair by stimulating the hair bulb. To reach the Adam Driver levels, a treatment of at least 3 months (the full life cycle of hair), is recommended. Here's to you, as a seductive hand passes through your shining hair, just like a Hollywood actor.