How to Achieve the Perfect 3-Day Beard How to Achieve the Perfect 3-Day Beard

How to Achieve the Perfect 3-Day Beard

Guides & Advice

Photos DR

Words Horace

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Get a 3-day beard, every day.

The perfect 3-day beard is probably the most difficult facial hair final boss to master. Many different things should be carefully considered if you’re looking to consistently display a short, well-trimmed beard: ideal length, hair regrowth speed, tools to use, softness of the hair… Luckily, we’re here to help you perfectly achieve this often-elusive balance.

In the beginning was the hair…

Before starting, and to have sufficient length to trim properly, let your beard grow for at least 5 or 6 days. This means you’ll have enough hair right across your beard, because your hair grows at different speeds, depending on the area. You should also brush your beard before starting to smooth the hairs and get them in order.

Beard Brush

Beard Brush

Electric razor or trimmer: choose your weapon!

Some prefer an electric razor: they are usually the ones whose hair grows fastest. They can shave in the evening and wake up with the right beard length the next morning. Lucky them.

Others prefer to use a beard trimmer. In principle, they offer different cutting lengths, so trimmers are the ideal tool for carefully managing your facial hair. You just have to choose the right length (we’ll return to this), and cut. This is particularly useful for those with thinner beards, which grow less quickly.

But, regardless of which tool you prefer to use for cutting, the other option can also prove very useful. If you’re a fan of the razor, a trimmer will help you to maintain your chosen length. If you’re a trimmer fan, a razor will help you better manage the contours.

Finding the optimal length for your 3-day beard

Not all lengths will suit you in the same way. So it will be necessary to try different things to see what suits you best. A three-day beard is, in principle, around 1.5 mm - but you can very easily choose, if it suits you better, to cut yours between 0.5 and 2.5 mm. It really has to be tested before you can find what works for you. This is where a beard trimmer will be indispensable: you just have to choose the right length and run the trimmer over the hairs. It’s as easy as pie.

Don't be afraid to experiment

Your beard doesn’t necessarily need to be uniform. For example, keeping your chin hairs longer than the ones on your cheeks can help to slim your face. The solution? Try things, and experiment with your hair. In the worst case, you can always shave everything off. You learn from your mistakes, as they say.

Beard contours: stay within your limits


The Bottom of the Beard

A perfect three-day beard is a beard that knows when to stop. But beware, if you decide to stop your beard too close to your jaw, you risk a double chin effect - even if you don’t actually have a double chin. Too low, and you risk making your neck look like a battlefield where hair has reclaimed its rights. Take your Adam's Apple as a reference point. Place two fingers just above it and draw an imaginary line connecting your ears to the top of these fingers. The imaginary line should form a sort of U. Below it, eliminate all hairs. Yes, all. You got it, it’s where an electric razor comes into its own.

For a shorter, more natural beard, or if regrowth is problematic for you due to scratching in the neck area, you can try gradient trimming with the trimmer rather than clean shaving.

The Top of the Beard

Similarly, for an impeccable beard, it is appropriate to eliminate the hairs that are above your beard. For this, nothing better than plucking the cheekbones. Yes, indeed. If you prefer shaving, then imagine a line that starts from your sideburns, or from the top of your ears, to the corner of your lips. Eliminate everything you find above this line. You can choose a straight or curved line. Try both shapes to see which one suits you best.

Nourish Your Beard, Even If It's Short

A short beard often means a prickly beard. To avoid the brillo pad effect, simply feed your beard with an oil. Its moisturizing and nourishing power will work on short hairs as well as long hairs. Particularly useful during the holiday season, when you give cheek kisses repeatedly.

Horace Beard Oils

Lemon & Mint Beard Oil
Patchouli & Cedar Beard Oil
Tobacco & Vanilla Beard Oil

Regularly Maintain Your Short Beard

For a perfect three-day beard at all times, think about trimming your contours about twice a week. And depending on the growth speed of your beard, also consider trimming it once a week.

Master Your Beard

Beard Shampoo
Shave Gel