Why Autumn is the Right Moment to use an Exfoliant Why Autumn is the Right Moment to use an Exfoliant

Why Autumn is the Right Moment to use an Exfoliant

Guides & Advice

Words Horace's Team

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With dead leaves, comes dead skin

The weather is getting colder, and dead leaves are strewn on the ground. With corduroy trousers coming out of your wardrobe, there’s no doubt, autumn is here. The training season before winter is a season where exfoliating is essential. We tell you why. 

With the cold, comes dry skinbb

It’s a fact of life: the weather is one of the main causes of dry skin. When the weather gets cooler, the skin tends to produce less sebum: the cold and wind will then have more of an impact on less protected skin, as there will be less lipid protection. It may dry out. Normal skin then tends to become dehydrated, while dry skin gets more irritable. All of them will produce more dead skin. This is where the exfoliating becomes essential. 

The difference in temperature inside and outside, and also day and evening, are also responsible for the dryness of your skin. 

Why is the exfoliant especially useful in autumn?

To remove dead skin, it’s quite simple. That’s its job: to unclog your pores and remove dead skin once or twice a week. This is especially essential in the autumn. 

In fact, during this season, cell renewal tends to slow down: which allows exfoliation to begin the process, for skin that will remain as flawless as on sunnier days. You might be asked if you’ve just returned from holiday. It’s up to you to invent the answer. 

But be careful: since your skin is already drier than usual, it should be overdone. So go for a gentle exfoliant, containing a moisturising active ingredient, to avoid aggravating the situation. Our scrub contains murumuru butter, made from a Brazilian nut. This protects the skin from dehydration and moisturises to leave your skin soft and ready to fight against the cool wind. Basically, it is like a Mackintosh raincoat, but for your skin. 

By using the right exfoliant, you will look better and have better protected skin. It’s simple. 

Just so you know, we’ve made a video that reveals how to use an exfoliant. Marc explains how he works miracles for his dry skin, with a demonstration. 


Gentle Face Scrub