How to get rid of a pimple quickly How to get rid of a pimple quickly

How to get rid of a pimple quickly

Guides & Advice

Photos Bastien Lattanzio

Words Matthieu Morge-Zucconi

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Valid before a date or on your wedding day.

A pimple can be annoying, but we’re about to let you know how to get rid of it quickly. Here are the keys.

The drama. Returning to the office after a well-deserved vacation, you’re just about to be hailed for your very elegant tan when you notice that an unsightly pimple is sitting on your forehead. Don’t panic. There are solutions to get rid of it quickly and more or less simply. It’ll take you between a few hours and a few days to restore your glorious skin of yesteryear.

You only have a few hours

For great ills, there are great remedies. Like actors (have you ever seen an actor play a pimply scene, except in a series for teenagers?), you can consult your dermatologist urgently. It’s possible for him or her to use cortisone, injecting it directly into the pimple to eliminate it in no time. Of course, we don't always have a dermatologist that’s just a phone call away. Reserve this solution for emergencies like on your wedding day, for example.

You have all day

You have a little more time in front of you. Is your essential meeting only a dinner? Take a deep breath. Grab an ice cube and apply it directly to your skin. That way, you’ll reduce the inflammation and speed up the disappearance of the pimple. Grab two more, slip them into a glass, and then pour your favourite drink on top. You’ll need to relax.

You have several days

Cleanse your skin well with a gentle cleanser that won't strip your skin. Eliminating too much sebum could make the situation worse. Then, use a regulating moisturiser like the Horace face cream, to rehydrate and protect your skin. The emergency solution, it seems, is to apply toothpaste to your pimple to dry it out and help eliminate it. This remedy has been used since the dawn of time without any scientific explanation why. You can of course try, even if we can’t guarantee you promising results. On the other hand, we can guarantee that toothpaste is useful for freshening your breath. At least there’s that.

Can you hide it?

Is it okay to borrow some foundation to apply on a pimple and hide it? In an emergency, maybe. Like when you absolutely have to go somewhere and your pimple is sitting proudly, scarlet red, on your face. But in general, we think it's best to always show your real face, so we don't recommend hiding behind makeup.

Should you pop your pimples?

No matter how many times you'll be told not to, it's far too tempting for you to really deprive yourself of it. No doubt you will. Is that bad? Let's just say that it’s not a good idea since you’re risking leaving an unsightly scar on your face. Plus, you’ll also open up the follicle to other bacteria.

If you do pop it, do it well. First, use an alcoholic solution to sterilise your skin and avoid other bacteria spreading. Then, press each side of the pimple with two cotton swabs, which is good since it won’t be as dirty as your hands. If it resists, it’s not ready to pop. Leave it alone. Remember to disinfect your skin again afterwards.

Good luck.

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