How do you hydrate and strengthen dry hair? How do you hydrate and strengthen dry hair?

How do you hydrate and strengthen dry hair?

Guides & Advice

Photos Pexels / DR

Words Paul Arthur Jean-Marie

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Dry, brittle hair requires special care and plenty of hydration. Horace’s editorial team shares tips on how to manage it.

Not many of us enjoy that feeling of straw implanted in our scalps. With dry hair, it’s important to take care of it. Here, you can find some routines to adopt that will turn straw-like hair into gold.

Causes of dry hair

Firstly, why do you have dry hair? You can inherit it, of course, and it is also possible to see normal hair drying out. This often comes from a defect in the secretion of sebum (which protects your hair). Causes can be varied and plentiful and are grouped into two types. One is climatic, and due to the environment: for example the effects of chlorinated swimming pools to long days in the sun. Aggressive hair treatments can also weaken the hair and dry it out: Shampooing too often, rinsing with hot water and repeated use of the hair dryer are all habits to avoid if you want to handle dry hair better.

Shampoo less frequently, and with a more suitable shampoo

Washing your hair daily is a bad habit. Your head is unlikely to get very dirty overnight. Washing too often can damage your scalp and your hair. Instead, we suggest washing your hair every two to three days, with a moisturizing shampoo that suits your hair – dry, or otherwise. You should also avoid taking very hot showers. Dry hair dislikes hot water, because it tends to get dried out. Lukewarm or even cold water is a better choice. To treat your dry hair like so many other times in life, it’s essential to keep a cool head.

Dry to Very Dry Hair Shampoo
Dry to Very Dry Hair Solid Shampoo

Hydration – an essential step

While the use of conditioner is strongly suggested for taming difficult hair, it is especially useful for dry hair. It allows the hair to be rehydrated and strengthened. Designed specifically to nourish the hair and scalp, our Dry to Very Dry Hair Conditioner helps discipline your hair and give you softer locks. Also, the heat from your hair dryer can be harmful to hair. So we suggest you avoid using it too much! The classic method is the best: a simple towel will be much gentler on your dry hair.

Bouncy Curl Leave-in

Watch out for bad styling products

Gels and other bad quality styling products generally contain alcohols that damage the hair. Some even inhibit the secretion of sebum. For those who want a strong hold, our wax pomade contains sapote oil and coconut oil, both of which soften your hair, as well as glycerin for hydration. It will satisfy thirsty hair seeking a strong hold and matte effect. Dry hair should never stop you from having the hairstyle you want.

Wax Pomade
Cream Pomade


Style your Dry Hair

Dry to Very Dry Hair Duo
Wax Pomade + Refill
Cream Pomade + Refill

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