8 guys tell us what they do for their bodies.
We can all agree that taking care of your body is as important as taking care of your face. It seems though, that caring for your body is far too often neglected. To help inspire you, we’ve asked a few guys what they do to take care of their bodies. Read on for tips and ideas from an elite athlete, several Horace team members, and more.
Matthieu Rohm, 29, sales manager for a fashion tradeshow
"I try to work out regularly. I put myself through 2 to 4 sessions focusing on endurance each week, including at least one before work, on an empty stomach. I do a few basic exercises on the other days of the week, to stay in shape and wake my body up.
As far as my diet is concerned, during the week I try to restrict the amount of alcohol, sugar, and bread I consume, in particular by eating more vegetables. On the weekend, I don’t really control my diet.”
Mathias Déon, 40, communications manager for a clothing brand
“Up until 5 or 6 years ago, I would only moisturise my face every day. I discovered the pleasures of body moisturisation after holidays in the sun. Once I got home, to keep the vacation mood going, I kept on using my after-sun lotion, which smelled divine (I think the brand was Avène). Since then, I haven’t been able to take a shower without moisturising afterwards. At home, I mostly use unscented creams (generic brand organic almond oil cream for example), and scented creams at the gym if I’m not wearing any perfume. Putting your clothes on top of smooth and soft skin is the best.”
Jean-Baptiste McLuckie, 27, data consultant
“For more than a year now, I’ve been followed by an online coach (@physiqonomics), and over the past year, my relationship with my body has vastly improved. I’ve lost 9cm around my waist, put on muscle, and gained strength, and more importantly, self-confidence. It’s really shaped the rhythm of my days, everything revolves around self-care. I work out 3 to 5 times a week, I meditate, I diet (indulgently), I sleep 7 to 9 hours a night, I take dietary supplements, I have a skincare routine, etc.”
Martin Lacroix, 32, journalist
"Between the ages of 12 and 25, I did a lot of skateboarding. I lived for it. I had sponsors, and really made the most of it. Unfortunately, I also hurt myself a lot. For more than ten years, I put my body through shocks and falls, sometimes very violent ones, on a daily basis, and I suffered repeated joint trauma. The last one was an acromioclavicular joint injury, more commonly referred to as a separated shoulder, which I sustained when the ligament holding my clavicle tore. I now have what they call a ‘piano key’ on the shoulder, as a permanent reminder. After my shoulder rehab, I understood that if I didn’t want to be stuck with a loose arm, I would have to build muscle. As a result, every day I do 50 push ups, and 3 minutes of core strength exercises to make my shoulder and arm stronger.”
Enzo Lefort, 27, professional athlete
“As far as my daily moisturisation is concerned, I use a lot of natural products. For my body, it’s shea butter, coconut oil, and mango butter. For my face, I use products specifically designed for facecare such as the Horace moisturiser.
I’m dark-skinned, so my skin tends to get very dry. It’s immediately noticeable when one of our friends hasn’t moisturised. This obviously also applies to me. If I happen to enter the locker room without having put on lotion first, I immediately know my black friends are going to see it and give me a hard time!”
Grégoire MW, 28, producer
“Every day, between the office and my flat, I make the most of the 20-minute commute to switch off from work by travelling in silence. No music, no earphones, no phone. It’s meditation, in a way. It enables me to feel more relaxed by the time I get home.”
Marc Briant-Terlet, 31, co-founder at Horace
“I spent the entirety of 2018 without doing much in terms of exercise. As I really couldn’t let myself stay out of shape, I’ve started going to yoga classes three times a week, on top of one session of Pilates. To stay motivated, I go with my girlfriend. I’ve also cut down my meat consumption. After each one of my classes or sessions, I put on some lotion. It’s a habit I’ve gotten into. I like it a lot, it’s a small pause between showering and getting dressed. In other words, more time for me.”
Matthieu Morge-Zucconi, 24 ans, editorial manager at Horace
“For a long time, I only did the bare minimum when it came to exercising. A little running, and a football game every three months. I ended up being 23 and scarcely capable of running after the bus without feeling like I was going to die. Since last October, I’ve started Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Not only is it a great way to empty your mind and learn how to strangle people efficiently, but it’s also helping my cardio through warm ups and sparring, as well as my strength. In other words, things I was badly in need of.”