How to grow your beard: our tips
Photos Instagram / alexsskyn
Words Anthony Vincent
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Does daily shaving, castor oil, and food supplements help with hair growth?
While some of us strut their beards as soon as they graduate from high school, others continue to wait desperately for chin hairs to appear in their twenties. Instead of continuing to hope or giving in to false promises, here are some tips to give nature a boost.
Does shaving often make his beard grow?
We will have heard all about growing a beard. The first myth is that shaving can grow new hair. However, this impression comes from the fact that the blade cuts the hair at an angle. By pushing back, this one appears more prickly and thick. In reaction to shaving, which they experience as an aggression, the hairs will indeed become stronger, but they will not be more numerous. The impression of a fuller beard is fueled by the experience of many young men who believe they grow their beard by shaving their down daily, whereas it is mainly puberty that naturally ends its work. Sometimes late.
Are food supplements effective?
Another myth is that certain food supplements are supposed to specifically accelerate beard growth. They are often the same composition as food supplements for hair. They are just marketed differently and sold more expensive to attract a different type of customer. They generally contain methylsulfonylmethane, a sulphur compound (whose effects on hair have not been proven), B-group vitamins including B8, also called Biotin (already found in a varied and balanced diet and in brewer's yeast) and cysteine, an amino acid that effectively accelerates the growth of dander (hair, hair and nails), as well as antioxidants. While these food supplements can do no harm as long as you follow the dosage, they can become harmful and counterproductive when taken in excess. Above all, no dietary supplement can create hair where none exists. If necessary, they can strengthen those already present, or even slightly accelerate their growth.
Taking better care of your skin to change the situation
If your hair is not growing, it may also be because your skin deserves more care. As long as your skin is in poor condition due to impurities, sebum accumulation or dead skin, you won't be able to grow a beautiful beard. So you'd better follow these three essential steps: daily cleansing and moisturizing, plus a weekly exfoliation. By massaging your exfoliator in small circles on your face, you will stimulate blood circulation, oxygenation and cell renewal, but also the hair bulbs, which will be able to flourish better if they are no longer blocked by any dead skin. In other words, you are not going to trigger the growth of new hair as such, but when it finally arrives it will be on a healthy basis where it can fully develop.
Castor oil for a denser, stronger beard
Often brandished as the miracle solution, castor oil is indeed worth the diversion, not because it creates new hairs but because it really strengthens those already present. Rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, it nourishes the skin deep down so that it becomes a breeding ground for healthy hair. Extremely viscous, castor oil sheathes the hair well to protect, strengthen and soften it.
Every night, on clean skin and after applying your moisturizer, you can massage a few drops of our beard oil with your fingertips onto the bottom of your face where you want to strengthen your hair. While pure oil can be viscous, it mixes well with others. In our beard oil, it has been mixed with other oils to take advantage of its effect, without any stickiness. When well oiled, you can go to bed and leave the castor oil on all night like a mask.
Be patient
In short, there is no miracle trick to grow hair where there is none. The best thing to do is to have the best possible lifestyle (a balanced diet, sport and 8 hours of sleep) and to be patient, as your hair can still grow until you are 30 years old. After that age, if a full beard still doesn't decorate your face, it's because nature has decided so.
But you can overcome it thanks to medicine. After consultation, a doctor may prescribe Minoxidil (a drug often prescribed in the fight against baldness), but you can expect in some cases side effects such as irritation, acne and dry skin.
Using aesthetic medicine
Alternatively, you can also opt for beard implants. On the same principle as hair implants, the doctor manually extracts one by one the hair follicles at the back of the head (where the hair is "eternal") and injects them back into the beard. As shaving progresses, the hair will become denser and as thick as a normal beard hair. An expensive solution (count about 5000 euros), not reimbursed, but really effective.
In short, the only natural ingredients to grow a beard are castor oil, patience, and above all a good lifestyle and care to (re)grow hair.